Required Courses
- AMGT 130 Introduction to Arts Management
- AMGT 235 Fundamentals of Arts & Culture Organizations
- AMGT 255 Financial Management in Arts & Culture
- AMGT 330 Grants and Fundraising
Electives: Choose 2
- AMGT 245 Arts & Culture Marketing
- AMGT 305 Writing in the Arts
- AMGT 335 Museum Studies
- AMGT 340 Performing Arts Management
- AMGT 345 Community Arts and Education
- AMGT 355 Artist Entrepreneurship
- AMGT 365 Arts & Culture Research
- AMGT 385 Legal Issues in Arts & Culture
- AMGT 375 Arts Leadership
- AMGT 430 Topics in Arts Management
- AMGT 440 Advanced Performing Arts Management
- AMGT 445 Community Engagement
- AMGT 500 Supervised Independent Study
- AMGT 540 Internship in Arts & Culture
- ECON 377 Economics of Culture and Tourism
Public History Minor
In cooperation with the Arts Management program MCLA's History Department offers a
minor in Public History, which provides students with knowledge, skills, and hands-on
experience that can be used as preparation for a variety of careers in public history
such as local, state, and national historic sites, archives, and museums.
This minor draws on the strengths of the History and Arts Management programs to provide
students with opportunities to combine expertise in history with applied learning
in areas such as cultural grant writing, marketing and museum studies. As part of
the minor, students will complete an internship at a site such as a museum, archive,
or library.
Required Courses
- HIST 290 Historical Methods and Theory
- AMGT 235 Fundaments of Arts & Culture Organizations
- AMGT 335 Museum Studies
- HIST 540 Internship in History OR AMGT 540 Internship in Arts & Culture
Electives: Choose 3*
- AMGT 245 Arts & Culture Marketing
- AMGT 255 Financial Management in Arts & Culture
- AMGT 330 Grants and Fundraising
- AMGT 345 Community Arts & Education
- AMGT 435 Advanced Museum Studies
- HIST 305 Topics in European History
- HIST 310 Topics in Asian History
- HIST 320 Topics in United States History
- HIST 330 Topics in Latin American History
- HIST 340 Topics in the History of the Middle East and the Muslim World
- HIST 350 Topics in African History
*History majors must choose at least two AMGT courses and Arts Management majors must
choose three HIST courses